kemale ermek

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kemale ermek
reach maturity
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Phonetic: "/ɹiːt͡ʃ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of stretching or extending; extension.

Definition: The ability to reach or touch with the person, a limb, or something held or thrown.

Example: The fruit is beyond my reach.

Definition: The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity.

Definition: Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope.

Definition: An exaggeration; an extension beyond evidence or normal; a stretch.

Example: To call George eloquent is certainly a reach.

Definition: The distance a boxer's arm can extend to land a blow.

Definition: Any point of sail in which the wind comes from the side of a vessel, excluding close-hauled.

Definition: The distance traversed between tacks.

Definition: A stretch of a watercourse which can be sailed in one reach (in the previous sense). An extended portion of water; a stretch; a straightish portion of a stream, river, or arm of the sea extending up into the land, as from one turn to another. By extension, the adjacent land.

Definition: A level stretch of a watercourse, as between rapids in a river or locks in a canal. (examples?)

Definition: An extended portion or area of land or water.

Definition: An article to obtain an advantage.

Definition: The pole or rod connecting the rear axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.

Definition: An effort to vomit; a retching.

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Phonetic: "/ɹiːt͡ʃ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To extend, stretch, or thrust out (for example a limb or object held in the hand).

Example: He reached for a weapon that was on the table.

Definition: To give to someone by stretching out a limb, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another person; to hand over.

Example: to reach one a book

Definition: To stretch out the hand.

Definition: To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held, so as to touch, strike, grasp, etc.

Example: The gun was stored in a small box on a high closet shelf, but the boy managed to reach it by climbing on other boxes.

Definition: To strike or touch with a missile.

Example: His bullet reached its intended target.

Definition: Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut.

Definition: To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent.

Example: When the forest reaches the river, you will be able to rest.

Definition: To arrive at (a place) by effort of any kind.

Example: After three years, he reached the position of manager.

Definition: To make contact with.

Example: I tried to reach you all day.

Definition: To connect with (someone) on an emotional level, making them receptive of (one); to get through to (someone).

Example: What will it take for me to reach him?

Definition: To arrive at a particular destination.

Definition: To continue living until, or up to, a certain age.

Example: You can only access the inheritance money when you reach the age of 25.

Definition: To understand; to comprehend.

Definition: To overreach; to deceive.

Definition: To strain after something; to make (sometimes futile or pretentious) efforts.

Example: Reach for the stars!

Definition: To extend in dimension, time etc.; to stretch out continuously (past, beyond, above, from etc. something).

Definition: To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam.

Definition: To experience a vomiting reflex; to gag; to retch.

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Phonetic: "/məˈtjʊəɹəti/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The state of being mature, ready or ripe.

Example: Some foods and drinks, like wine, only reach their full taste at maturity, which literally comes at a price

Definition: When bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin.

Definition: The state of a debt obligation at the end of the term of maturation thereof, once all interest and any applicable fees have accrued to the principal.

Definition: Date when payment is due.

Example: The note was cashed at maturity.

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